Friday, May 15, 2020

High Performing Professionals are Focused

High Performing Professionals are Focused High performing people have one thing in common: they are extremely focussed in what they do and how they do it.One of the biggest issues that prevents effective performance is busyness, flitting here and there trying to achieve too many things and accomplishing little.evalMany believe that by firing enough bullets toward the target, the likelihood of a direct hit is increased. The problem with this shotgun method is that it squanders precious limited resources and it assumes the shooter has the correct target in their sights. In most practical situations neither assumption is true.What IS true, however, is that levels of performance are directly related to first, being clear on what you are trying to achieve, and second, concentrating on the FEW critical tasks or objectives that will get you 80% there.Find three things that will deliver 80% of what is expected and the brass ring is yours!How can you achieve focus?1. Clearly understand what you are trying to achieve. Not in general t erms â€" “Increased market share” â€" but in granular detail â€" “increase the share of wallet from the following 25 4. Communicate your plan to your leadership and ask for feedback to ensure you are on the right track from their perspective. Fine tune (or completely rewrite) your action plan based on their review and input.5. Once you are executing your action plan, beware of over-the-transom yummy incoming requests of your time that take you off your plan. Stay focused on what YOU intend to achieve; avoid if at all possible what OTHERS want you to do. In some cases this proves very difficult to do, but stay in the awareness. While you are chasing stuff your plan is in the sleep mode; nothing happens.6. Question changes in priorities that impact your plan; this could be disguised yummy. If a new priority is declared, reassess your action plan quickly and make appropriate adjustments. Then get going!High performers stay focussed on what NEEDS to be done; chasing POSSIBILITIES achieves little.

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