Monday, May 18, 2020

5 Tips for a Perfect Elevator Pitch

5 Tips for a Perfect Elevator Pitch You are going about your day and you happen to run into someone who works for your dream employer. You have about 30-60 seconds to convince them that you could be an asset to their company. That’s where your elevator pitch comes in.You never know when you could run into the person who could help open the door to your dream job. You should always be prepared, just in case. An elevator pitch should be brief, persuasive and it should highlight your skills.1. Write It DownYour elevator pitch should be about 30-60 seconds long. Yes, that means you need to find a way to explain who you are, what skills you have and what value you bring, all in under a minute. Make a list, write it down on paper and find a way to make it sound interesting and brief. Then take that piece of paper and use it to practice until you know it by heart, you are comfortable saying it and can say it in a way that sounds natural. Try recording your pitch to make sure it sounds good and is within the time limit.2. Ch oose Your SkillsKnowing which skills to highlight in your pitch is vital. You want to make sure that the skills you choose apply to your dream position at your dream company. Try doing some research on your dream role and finding common skills that are required for the role. Then compare those skills to ones that you already possess and write them down. These are the transferable skills and qualifications that you will want to highlight in your Elevator Pitch.3. Use Index CardsTake a few index cards and write down one of these questions on each one. You should answer each question with approximately a two-sentence answer for each one. Using the lists that you made above, take each item and see which question they fit best under. It will help you to organize your thoughts.Who am I? What do I do? How do I do it? What value do I bring? Who do I do it for? What is my greatest accomplishment?4. Organize Your ThoughtsOrganize your cards in order from the what you think is the most importa nt to the least. You may not have much time to sell yourself, a couple of minutes at most. You want to make sure you leave the person with something worth remembering. What do you want them to remember when the conversation is over and you go your separate ways?5. Offer a Business CardYou should always carry a couple of business cards with you, everywhere you go. You never know when they will come in handy. Your business card should have your name visible as well as your phone number, email address, and place of business. That way anyone you give it to, will know exactly who you are.At the end of your elevator pitch, you should offer the person your business card and ask about following up with them at a later date. They may even give you a business card in return and you can offer to follow-up with them instead, taking a bit of the weight off their shoulders. You will be sure to remember to follow-up, whereas they may forget in the bustle of their busy day.By following these tips w hen crafting and executing your elevator pitch, you are sure to leave a great impression on the person you are speaking to. Remember to be confident and don’t forget to practice. Good luck! You might have just turned right on the road to your dream job. Now it’s just a matter of getting the doors.

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