Sunday, April 12, 2020

Get Career SAVEY (No, Thats Not a Typo!) - Work It Daily

Get Career SAVEY (No, Thats Not a Typo!) - Work It Daily By J.T. O'Donnell I've always said there's a silver lining to every situation - a recession is no exception. When times get tough, smart companies get creative. They recognize an opportunity to create brand awareness and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. A great example is Hyundai. They just started a program that pays you to buy their car. Better still, if you lose your job, you get to give the car back without any hassles so you can save your credit rating. Now that is impressive! So here's OUR deal: We've decided to help all you career savvy people by offering a new service. Every Tuesday, we are going to send out the 'Career Savey' newsletter. In it will be 5 new deals we think you'd like to know about. Yes, our team will be scouring the internet weekly to find deals we feel are worthy of sharing with our readers. The goal? To let you in on the best money-saving tools and resources available during these tough economic times. We figure those of you who are either unemployed or worried about your finances will appreciate the inside scoop on these discounted products and services. Better Still - If you recommend a great deal (send the info to and we choose to include it on our newsletter, you will get a free subscription to CAREEREALISM University - our career management course that is catapulting the professional success of participants via our innovative career strategy program. So, if you'd like to get our weekly newsletter with the top 5 career savey deals of the week, simply sign up below: Email Marketing by iContact Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!

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