Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Learn How to Present a Completed Feasibility Study

Learn How to Present a Completed Feasibility StudyLearn How to Present a Completed Feasibility StudyA comprehensive geschftlicher umgang feasibility study contains detailed information about your business structure, your products, and services, the market, logistics of how you will deliver a product or service, the resources you need to make the business run efficiently, as well as other information about the business. How to Assemble Your Feasibility Study How you present, your final study is just as important as the information it contains. If you have a lot of material put it in a portfolio or binder. Finding information easily and quickly is important to busy lenders and investors, so include tabs (type them it at all possible) to indicate each component in your study. Cover letters should not be generic but should be individualized depending upon with whom you are submitting the study. Before you submit your study, have someone else proofread it for you to check for content and errors. Typographical errors will make your study appear rushed or unprofessional, and if your descriptions and calculations do not make sense to the reader they are worthless. Although you write your conclusion last, it serves as a summary of all the detail in your study. You can place it at the end of your document (before any exhibits and attachments), but placing it first (after the table of contents) sets the tone and identifies key issues for the reader to be aware of even before they read the rest of the study. The following is a checklist of components that should go into your complete feasibility study. Cover LetterCover SheetTable of ContentsDescription of Your Business (what you do, a list of products or services, and how you deliver products or services)Feasibility Study ConclusionsMarket Feasibility StudyOrganizational Feasibility StudyTechnical Feasibility StudyFinancial Feasibility Study(Optional) Legal Risks Feasibility StudyAttachments (spreadsheets)Exhibits or Appendices (statistics, graphs, examples, literature, contracts, samples, etc.) Points to Remember A feasibility study is a process in which you look at an idea to see if it is feasible, that is, if and how it will work.A comprehensive feasibility study looks at the entire structure, needs, and operations of a business.A limited or project feasibility study looks at one specific task, program, idea, or problem.A feasibility study looks at both sides, considering pros and cons, and troubleshoots potential problems.A feasibility study is not a business plan but serves as a foundation for developing your business plan. A market feasibility study is not a marketing plan, but studies markets and market potential, and can be used to support or develop a marketing plan.In addition to a business plan, an investor or lending institution may require you to submit a feasibility study before considering your request for capital. Feasibility Study Course Navigation Complete Feasibility S tudy Course Syllabus

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cover Letter Tips from the New York Times

Cover Letter Tips from the New York TimesCover Letter Tips from the New York Times2When you think about it, your job application has some of the priciest real estate around. Since youre limited to about two pages that have to not only summarize your entire career, but also catch the eye of a hiring manager and sell that personon why you (and only you) are the person to hire, it makes sense that every word should pack a punch.But many times job seekers dont usetheir deckblatt letters to the fullest advantage, and instead use that precious page to basically regurgitate their resume- only in full-sentence format. In the New York Times article, How to Write a Cover Letter People Will Actually Read, distitelbild how to write an award-winning cover letter- or at least just get called in for an interview.Cover Letter Tips from the New York Times1. Forget the format.If you thought that having a generic format for your cover letter will get you hired, think again.Sure, being bland can keep yo u in the safe zone, but it can also put you in a bigger competitive pool with other job seekers who also wrote their cover letters the same way. Instead of sticking to one format, try to vary your cover letter depending on the job youre applying for. (And yes, you should definitely have more than one version of your cover letter when applying for jobs.) By avoiding a specific format, youll feel more freedom to be creative in your cover letter. Which leads us to 2. Make it personal.Hiring managers are desperate (yes, desperate) to know who job seekers really are.Thats why the vast majority of them will peruse yoursocial media profiles as a way to get a glimpse into who you are beyond whats listed on your resume. Theyre not simply being nosy when you consider how much it costs a company to hire a new employee, not to mention the loss of productivity when said employee is hired, it makes sense that a potential employer wants to ensure the new hire complements the company and will also mesh well with the rest of the team.When writing your cover letter, be sure to infuse it with bits of your personality so a hiring manager can get a sense of who you are. You might want to add a short anecdote (as it relates to the job youre hiring for) or write in a more conversational format to let employers feel as if they already know you.3. Dont repeat your resume.The cover letter portion of your job application can be scary to some job seekers, especially if you feel that your writing skills are not up to par.To avoid making a mistake, job seekers will just take their resume and pretty much paste it onto their cover letter. But the hiring manager already scanned your resume, so reading it again in a longer format isnt going to cut it.Use all that extra space to showcase specific examples from your resume of why youre a qualified job candidate. You might want to include examples of projects you worked on or expand on how youre a strong team player and highlight those soft skill s that employers are looking for when hiring remote workers.4. Conduct some research.Employers want to know that you want to work for their company, not just get hired so you can end your job search and get a paycheck. And ideally, youre only applying for companies that you really would like to work for with missions that you believe in and jobs that interest and excite you.So before you click send on that job application, why not try doing some research on the company? Find out more about its history, some of its accolades, and its plans for the future as well, and then tailor your cover letter to include some of this information. Sure, it might mean that youre churning out fewer job applications daily, but it also means that you are sending well-thought-out, well-rounded, and more quality job applications that will get you a quicker callback.5. Showcase your knowledge.Your cover letter is prime real estate to show what you know. You can do this by highlighting previous work experi ences (as well as life experiences) that showcase the education, experience, and skills youll need for the job youre applying for.That said, you should also customize your cover letter to specifically address any issues that the company might be facing. For example, if the organization is having some pain points (e.g., its social media could use some shaping up) offer up some ideason how you would fix them based on your knowledge about the company, as well as your own experiences and expertise. By being proactive in your cover letter, youre showing the company why hiring you makes smart business sense- for them.unterstellung cover letter tips from the New York Times can help you learn what to do- and what not to do- on your cover letter. Although it might be tempting to cut corners when it comes to your cover letter in an effort to apply to more positions, it really makes better business sense to produce fewer (but better quality) cover letters that will get you hired faster.Start A pplying to Flexible JobsReaders, are you customizing your cover letters for each job youre applying for, or are you just cranking them out? Let us know in the comments below

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019

10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at work

10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at work10 things smart people do to enhance their reputation at workFew things feel better than working in an office where you feel appreciated, respected and well-liked.If youre feeling less than admired, consider the following actions to boost your professional reputation with colleagues and managers, right from the books of highlysuccessfulpeople.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and mora1. Take ownershipRather than wait to be voluntold, take ownership of a project or initiative and run with it. Naturally, its ideal if its work youre genuinelypassionateabout, but even if you arent, consider offering yourleadershipanyway. You might end up loving the assignment, and your boss will appreciate your ingenuity. Star employees possess a roll-up-the-sleeves mentality and a fearless enthusiasm to try new things and take risks.2. Be timelyWhe ther its a phone meeting or conference room gathering, arrive a few minutes early. Get water or coffee in advance and boot up the laptop. The few minutes these things take shouldnt be part of the meeting its mora than just your time that youre respecting.3. Keep promisesFew things will plummet your reputation more quickly than lack of follow-through. Show your commitment to the company by working hard, persevering through setbacks and finding alternative solutions to achieve the best results.4. Offer counterpointsThoughtfully point out considerations that further illuminate an issue. It shows you have thought it through and have potential solutions or an alternative point of view.5. Think forwardTheres magic in the words Its already done. Integrate yourself in the office and look for opportunities to anticipate what needs to be handled before it becomes a need.6. Be flexibleBusiness priorities can shift quickly and it reflects well if you can react and adapt in the moment. While ot her employees might grumble, use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and resilience by jumping into action.7. Be passionateIve worked with all kinds of employees, and what I know for sure is the ones who approach their work withpassionalways stand out above the rest. Their commitment and positivity influence fellow employees and often helps the business achieve goals that seemed lofty, simply because their vision was so convicted.8. Keep calmWeve all worked with people who seem to bring and create drama wherever they go. Its one of the fruchtwein draining and demoralizing traits in the workplace. Great employees dont allow themselves to be drawn into this type of behavior, use their position to squelch it, or get angry. Learn how to maintain your composure and stay cool under pressure.9. Be innovativeTackle problems head-on and find ways to create process efficiencies, save money or introduce a new concept.10. Get smartWhether its a global issue, an industry trend, or the latest best seller, stay informed. Chances are, by keeping up on whats happening in the world, youll be able to offer intelligent insight on a variety of topics.Tiffany Couch is the CEO and founder ofAcuity Forensics, a forensic accounting and fraud investigation firm that helps unravel complex financial crimes.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people10 things smart people do to en hance their reputation at workFew things feel better than working in an office where you feel appreciated, respected and well-liked. If youre feeling less than admired, consider the following actions to boost your professional reputation with colleagues and managers, right from the books of highlysuccessfulpeople.1. Take ownershipRather than wait to be voluntold, take ownership of a project or initiative and run with it. Naturally, its ideal if its work youre genuinelypassionateabout, but even if you arent, consider offering yourleadershipanyway. You might end up loving the assignment, and your boss will appreciate your ingenuity. Star employees possess a roll-up-the-sleeves mentality and a fearless enthusiasm to try new things and take risks.2. Be timelyWhether its a phone meeting or conference room gathering, arrive a few minutes early. Get water or coffee in advance and boot up the laptop. The few minutes these things take shouldnt be part of the meeting its more than just your time that youre respecting.3. Keep promisesFew things will plummet your reputation more quickly than lack of follow-through. Show your commitment to the company by working hard, persevering through setbacks and finding alternative solutions to achieve the best results.4. Offer counterpointsThoughtfully point out considerations that further illuminate an issue. It shows you have thought it through and have potential solutions or an alternative point of view.5. Think forwardTheres magic in the words Its already done. Integrate yourself in the office and look for opportunities to anticipate what needs to be handled before it becomes a need.6. Be flexibleBusiness priorities can shift quickly and it reflects well if you can react and adapt in the moment. While other employees might grumble, use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and resilience by jumping into action.7. Be passionateIve worked with all kinds of employees, and what I know for sure is the ones who approac h their work withpassionalways stand out above the rest. Their commitment and positivity influence fellow employees and often helps the business achieve goals that seemed lofty, simply because their vision was so convicted.8. Keep calmWeve all worked with people who seem to bring and create drama wherever they go. Its one of the most draining and demoralizing traits in the workplace. Great employees dont allow themselves to be drawn into this type of behavior, use their position to squelch it, or get angry. Learn how to maintain your composure and stay cool under pressure.9. Be innovativeTackle problems head-on and find ways to create process efficiencies, save money or introduce a new concept.10. Get smartWhether its a global issue, an industry trend, or the latest best seller, stay informed. Chances are, by keeping up on whats happening in the world, youll be able to offer intelligent insight on a variety of topics.Tiffany Couch is the CEO and founder ofAcuity Forensics, a forensi c accounting and fraud investigation firm that helps unravel complex financial crimes.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Building the Ultimate Carbon Capture Tree

Building the Ultimate Carbon Capture Tree Building the Ultimate Carbon Capture Tree Building the Ultimate Carbon Capture TreeInside a rectangular Plexiglas tower in a lab on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe sit the parts for an artificial tree. Not leaves and branches, but a yellowish corrugated filter silently pulling carbon dioxide out of the air. The carbon dioxide doesnt get turned into fruit or roots or tree trunks, as it does with a natural tree, but it simply gets collected by resin in a reversible chemical process.This tree makes up in efficiency what it lacks in aesthetics. Right now, its more of a process than an actual product but its one that can extract carbon dioxide 1,000 times faster than a natural tree, said Klaus Lackner, founder and director of the Center for Negative Carbon Emissions at Arizona State. Lackners team is methodically transforming the process into a machine.Read ASMEs Top Story Air Taxi Aces Test FlightOne machine, though, wont be enoug h. Considering the 36 gigahrs emitted by human activities every year, it will take another, and another, and maybe 100 million units, each the size of a shipping container, each extracting a ton of carbon dioxide from the air, each day. At that scale, a forest of artificial trees could potentially keep up with the current rate of carbon emission.One hundred million is a large number, Lackner admitted. But we build 80 million cars and trucks a year. For millions of those machines to be built, getting the cost low and the performance high will be crucial. Physicist Klaus Lackner watches as gas-absorbing material feeds captured carbon dioxide to a potted plant. Image Jessica Hochreiter, Arizona State UniversityAccording to a study published earlier this year in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, all the living matter in all the plants on Earthfrom the grass in suburban lawns to the rainforests of the Amazonequals around 150 billion tons. Another 300 b illion tons is locked into non-biologically active trunks and stems. Since around 1900, however, the fraction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from 280 parts per million to about 412 ppm. The mass of the carbon in that added CO2 is 280 billion tons, far more than plants could lock up over any reasonable time scale.If humanity is going to draw down the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to avoid the worst effects of climate change, as scientists recommend, then it will require something other than plants. An industrial-scale problem calls for industrial-scale solutions.That recognition has turned carbon capture into a hot topic. A paper published brde June in the journal Joule, written by researchers at the company Carbon Engineering, reported bringing costs of atmospheric carbon dioxide extraction down to between $232 and $94 per tona fraction of earlier estimates. Another company, Global Thermostat, claims costs even lower. A cost of $100 per ton is the equivalent of about 90 cents per gallon of gasoline. Thats still not cheap, but direct air capture of carbon dioxide may be the best hope for reducing the impact of carbon pollution.Once the carbon is in the atmosphere, we have fewer solutions for removing it, said Matt Lucas, associate director of Carbon180, a non-profit organization based in Oakland, Calif. Direct air capture is one of those solutions.At the sourceKlaus Lackner started his career as a theoretical physicist, eventually landing at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the mid-1980s. Over time he was drawn to the practical challenges of carbon capture. By the late 1990s Lackner realized not only that human economic activity was going to rely on fossil fuels for decades to come, but also that roughly half of the CO2 we put out we cant capture because nearly half the emissions are coming from non-point sources.Much of the focus of carbon capture has been on point sources, such as power plants and cement factories, wher e industrial processes create a concentrated stream of carbon dioxide. Capturing CO2 from point sources is like pulling water from a hose. Its almost certainly cheaper to capture carbon emissions from their sourceor never emit them in the first place, Lucas said.Unfortunately, efforts to capture and sequester carbon from fossil fuel plants have themselves proven difficult and expensive. Plans to build a carbon-sequestering beweis power plant called FutureGen were abandoned in 2015, though a coal-fired power plant in Thompsons, Texas, was retrofitted for carbon capture in 2017.Register today for ASMEs Offshore Wind SummitAnother promising point source is ethanol production, which produces a stream of pure CO2 that is usually vented off. An ethanol plant in Decatur, Ill., for example, is capturing its carbon emissions and storing it underground. Daniel Sanchez, an AAAS Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow, called capture from biorefineries the best near-term opportunity for po int-source capture.Even if capture could be deployed at all point sources, it would simply slow the rate of emissions. If we are going to actually reduce the atmospheric CO2 concentration, we can either wait hundreds of years for nature to do it or we can begin to actively withdraw it from the air.Take a journey through Pratt Whitneys North Berwick, Maine, plant Manufacturing Takes FlightUnlike point sources, where CO2 concentrations in exhaust streams are relatively high, capturing CO2 from the atmosphere, where it makes up roughly one part per 2,500, is more challenging. This problem is neatly summarized in whats called Sherwoods Rule The cost of extraction scales linearly with the degree of dilution. Combined with the already high cost of flue-gas scrubbing, that suggests that the cost of direct air capture of CO2 would be prohibitive. Any attempt to economically capture CO2 directly from the air must find a way around Sherwoods rule.To date, the three companies have rolled out air-capture demonstration projectsCarbon Engineering in British Columbia, Climeworks in Switzerland, and New York City-based Global Thermostatall use blowers or fans to drive air through their capture systems. Though that helps speed the reactions, its also energy intensive. And if that energy comes from fossil-fueled power plants, then the whole process threatens to be counterproductive. Strips made from anionic exchange resins chemically absorb carbon dioxide when dry and release it when wet. Such strips can be used to draw CO2 from the atmosphere.Image Jessica Hochreiter, Arizona State UniversityLooking for a way to use less energy in the initial collection stage, Lackner came across a Japanese project that collected uranium from sea water using artificial kelp. Uranium concentration in seawater is only 3 parts per billion, more than 100,000 more dilute than atmospheric carbon dioxide. This suggested a way around Sherwoods rule relying on passive collection. By avo iding any processing until the carbon dioxide has been substantially concentrated, the amount of energy required to remove the CO2 should be reduced dramatically. Finding a medium that can cycle between capturing and releasing the gas without applying heat or pressure would reduce the energy requirements even more.Capture the gasConventional carbon dioxide sorbents absorb the gas when cool and release it when heated, which creates the necessity for a constant energy supply. Lackners team found an inexpensive material that operates on a different cycle it absorbs CO2 when dry and releases it when wet. According to post-doctoral research associate Shahrzad Badvipour, the sorbent consists of anionic exchange resins, where the resin will bind CO2 as a bicarbonate ion when in a dry state. When wet, a carbonate ion forms, replacing two bicarbonate ions resulting in the release of a single molecule of CO2.A prototype carbon capture system running in Lackners lab consists of rigid rectangul ar channels made of sorbent-impregnated polypropylene, roughly an inch wide and a quarter-inch tall. As air passes through, the material picks off the molecules of carbon dioxide. When saturated, the filter is dunked in water and then placed in a terrarium. A gas analyzer tracks the concentration of CO2 in the terrarium, which rises as the wet filter releases the absorbed carbon dioxide, then drops as the gas is taken up by a potted geranium.Once the filter is dry, it is removed from the terrarium and the cycle starts again.Though a small demonstration that releases CO2 into an algae pond is in operation near the Arizona State campus, adapting this process into a forest of artificial trees has been challenging. Some of the first renderings depicted enormous tuning fork-shape structures jutting out of the landscape or panels that would fold up accordion-style into a vat of water.Read ASMEs Long-form story on Robots Robots to the RescueA more recent design involves disks of sorbent lo osely stacked into cylinders to allow air to flow over each surface. At regular intervalsroughly every 1,000 secondsthe stack collapses into a canister that then seals itself up and sprays water over the disks, releasing the absorbed gas. Lackners team envisions a cluster of 16 of these stacks, with one collapsing and one springing up each minute.To collect the CO2 from the stacks that are outgassing, a vacuum would be pulled continuously, using a clever ejector system, based on the Bernoulli effect, through a system of valves that switch its input to whatever cylinder is being harvested at the moment. The concept is similar to the system used in steam railroads to draw cold water into pressurized boilers. The flow is directed such that the output of the most depleted cylinder is fed into its neighbor that immediately preceded it in the sequence, which in turn feeds into the one that preceded it. The net effect is that the last cylinder to close is topped off at which point its CO2 is harvested.The lab also has developed a concept that employs a sorbent fabric belt in a continuous loop, with half the loop exposed to the open air collecting CO2 and the other half in an air-tight container where it is wetted to release the gas.Both of these designs have been sized to produce a CO2 concentration of 5 percent, roughly 125 times higher than what is found in ambient air. Thats rich enough to allow further concentration through conventional means.Optimize and deployFor decades, Lackners vision of artificial trees pulling CO2 from the ambient air seemed closer to a hallucination than a practical engineering project. But thats changing fast. One sign of the change is the presence of Robert Page, a project manager with a background in product development, working with ASU under a contract funded by the Salt River Project, the Phoenix-area utility.Page was brought in to help shepherd the artificial tree technology from the laboratory to mass production. One of the first decisions was which concept to build on. In many ways, the closed-loop system seemed to offer some advantages in scalability. In the near term, however, the team decided to go ahead with the stacked-disk system. Though it will require some sophisticated controls to approximate a continuous output from what is essentially a series of batch processes, it was judged to be simpler, less expensive, easier to manufacture, and easier to transport and setup.The team has now produced a full set of drawings, specifications as well as a bill of materials. The next step is to build prototypes and begin testing. According to Page, the goal is to have a few units ready to deploy by 2020.Producing a system that operates along the lines of a natural system, while elegant in conception, does involve certain compromises, particularly with regard to maintaining a constant stream of gas, as most production systems would be expected to do. Another challenge is where to site those 100 million shipping co ntainer-size devices. Given the sorbent cycles dependence on drying, deserts seem ideal, but many windy areas also would be suitable.Lackner and his team are also looking to further optimize the system, evaluating ways to improve the sorbent or increase the speed at which it pulls in or releases CO2.The key, however, is to start pulling carbon dioxide out of the air as quickly as possible. Lackners artificial trees will never be as elegant as an aspen or as majestic as a sequoia, but if they can help limit the damage from too much CO2 in the atmosphere, they will be beautiful enough.R.P. Siegel is a technology writer based in Rochester, N.Y.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Things to Put on Resume Exposed

Things to Put on Resume Exposed The Things to Put on Resume Trap Your accounting degree or experience with bookkeeping might be mora applicable than you believe. Low-level jobs Even if you believe that a few of your previous jobs are trivial, 1 expert says they may still help you receive work. Approach your study abroad experience like its a prior job. Besides your work performance, a hiring manager would like to make sure that you will fit in-and work well-with the other employees in the workplace. When a business is seeking to hire, they want somebody who will seek out harte nusss until they become urgent and your job on an interview is to express that youve got exceptional problem-solving skills. It is quite a bit more convincing to demonstrate the recruiter that youre a hard-worker than to inform them. The info above should explain to you how sample manager resumes are best structured, to find an interview and find that job. What You Need to Know About Things to Put on Resume A commitment to an extracurricular activity on a lengthy time indicates a focus and dedication that is extremely impressive on a resume and can cause a work interview, especially if youve received honors or awards for your efforts. To begin with, if youre seeing a great deal of hard skills that you just dont have, it can be far better move on to the next position. When considering what things to put on a resume, skills are the absolute fruchtwein important. Maybe youve employed your listening skills to fully grasp how youre able to employ your expertise and experience to enhance the operation of others on your team still attempting to learn the ropes. Lies Youve Been Told About Things to Put on Resume An excellent sample manager resume will comprise keywords a number of times throughout the document. No one would like to read a CV thats formatted with a very small font and no white space Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four essen tial skills mentioned many times throughout the document. For instance, if youve got a strong history with word processing and a work description demands experience with a particular processor which you havent used, you may use your experience to demonstrate the employer that youve got zero issue working with new word processors. List the duties you performed that are definitely the most significant to the sort of work youre in search of. You must keep your resume short and sweet, but still consist of enough excellent information to generate an impression. You have to listen very closely to your customer since they will explain to you how to sell them a vehicle, but if you dont listen closely you will just create another Be-Back. Graphic-based resumes enable you to lay out complex info in a simplistic way. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Teachers are a few of the most hardw orking, patient and dependable workers out there. Since many job seekers may list skills in a different section of their resume, additionally, it is important to weave them into descriptions under every one of your prior positions. Furthermore, you can learn more on the topic of administrative careers on Monster. If youve held any prior jobs (like internships) What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Things to Put on Resume You would never attempt to sell a product without knowing your intended audience and the exact same applies to your resume. Some folks say you need tont incorporate an objective, but I disagree. Another important point to consider is to relate the way your previous experiences would benefit the target company. Even when youre applying to a purely-domestic company, the nation is becoming increasingly more international. You already understand how to persuade different individuals to take action. Theres a significant impact. The absolute most important poin t to remember when writing both is that you dont tell an employer what you would like. There are far better words to use Whatever They Told You About Things to Put on Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Failing to stick to the established protocol established in the plan of care puts the customers health and well-being in danger and also increases the capacity for liability, especially in a crisis. You are going to have tough time locating a work description that doesnt consist of communication as a crucial skill. In addition to the practical demand for developers in virtually every company, programming skills demonstrate advanced problem solving skills that may lead to a well-rounded professional. You are attempting to sell yourself based on your skills, wisdom and personality The Battle Over Things to Put on Resume and How to Win It In truth, it might be appropriate to incorporate a more prominent core competencies section at the peak of your resume with thorough descrip tions of certain skills if theyre absolutely central to success in the desired position. Lets make certain you make the absolute the majority of the opportunity that your resumes skills section can offer. Soft skills are a little bit more vague and open to interpretation. Communication skills are another vital area study abroaders have a tendency to rapidly build proficiency in. Things to Put on Resume Options Try to remember that you will require a cover letter to have the greatest chances of landing employment. The info on your resume is a significant aspect in landing you your dream job, and thats why you should learn the best ideas for writing a great resume. Infographic resumes are just a supplement. Most bars and restaurants can be selective in regards to hiring bartenders, everyone would like to be one and theres rarely ever a lack of applicants.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Just Text Your Millennial Candidate Already!

Just Text Your Millennial Candidate Already Why You Should Just Text Your Millennial Candidate InsteadIts not unprofessional. Its 2014, and its the way of the millennial. In fact, millennials have been deemed the texting generation, and for good reason A generation of emailing, followed by an explosion in texting, has pushed the telephone conversation into serious decline, creating new tensions between baby boomers and millennials. Ian Shapira, (IanShapira)While it may not be fair to say texting is creating tension among generations, there is truth to what Shapira has to say about the texting generation, and maybe other generations too 92 percent of U.S. internetfhiges mobiltelefon owners send an average of 111 text katecheses per week, and nearly 50 percent of daily social media users would rather text than talk on the phone.Recruiters are open to the idea of texting candidates, and they should b e. Nine out of 10 respondents in a Dialogue survey stated they mainly use texting to communicate with candidates for interviews, job vacancies, contract information, and reminders.The general thinking is that theres an age divide here. A few of my friends who are active in the recruiting process at their (high-tech) companies have said that texting is totally acceptable and considered less intrusive for the digital generation. They get decent response rates from those under 30ish. Older people, such as myself, would be put off by receiving a text from a stranger, and feel that texting is a more personal means of communication and not really OK to use for initial professional contact. Scheduling interviews via text, however, is totally acceptable (no matter the age) once a phone or email exchange has been established, but always with permission. King Bishop, Talent Acquisition and Management Consultants (KingandBishop)How Recruiters are Using SMSMore than 78 percent of recruiters said that using text messages to schedule interviews is important to their company.More than 76 percent of recruiters said that using text messages to confirm interviews is also valuable.80 percent of recruiters agree that following up with candidates via text messages after an interview is beneficial.Opening up the line of communication with candidates via text messaging builds a unique relationship between the recruiter and candidate.Just Text Them AlreadyTexting is a quick and easy method of communication that allows both parties to prepare their messaging. Discussing important aspects of the hiring process (like scheduling an interview) using a method like text message builds permanence and reliability. Phone conversations can be rushed and important information can be missed, especially when a candidate is excited upon learning they just landed an interview. Using a text message to follow up after a phone call is a great way to confirm the meeting location, time, and date.Cons ider that 79 percent of smartphone owners between the ages of 18 and 44 have their phones with them 22 hours a day, and 80 percent of millennials say they sleep with their phone next to their bed.Its apparent that mobile communication is the best way to reach a millennial.The same study mentioned previously actually found that 98 percent of the recruiters text messages are opened, and 90 percent are replied to within three minutes. With stats like that, youd have to be crazy to shy away from texting candidates.It Builds Your Company CultureMillennials arent just looking for a job or a career theyre looking for a lifestyle. They want to mean something to their employers, and they want their employers to mean something to them, too. Formal methods of communication like phone conversations and emails are archaic when it comes to conversing with millennials.Show off your fun, easy-going company culture by opening up that line of communication through text messaging. Texting is seen as a relaxed form of communication, and if thats the vibe youre going for, then text away.Nick Mouledous, Bizzuka marketing coordinator and millennial sums it up best when describing his preferences on texting as a communication method in the workplaceLet people do what comes naturally, or enable them to. Nick Mouledous (nmouledous)If texting is what comes naturally to millennials (and the stats are there to prove it), then build that method of communication into your recruiting and hiring process. Youll be glad you did.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Does Competition Drive Innovation

Does Competition Drive Innovation Does Competition Drive Innovation What became of the Stanley Steamer, the manual typewriter, or the black-and-white television? With our endless focus on the shiny and new, its easy to forget that no technology lasts forever. Examining the birth and death of old technologies, though, can yield new insights into the nature of innovation.Take the automobile, for example. Erik Gjesfjeld, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Society and Genetics at the University of California, Los Angeles, recently adapted an approach used to study the evolution of fossil plant and animal species to examine the birth and death of 3,575 car models.The research revealed why innovation has ebbed and flowed in the American auto industry since 1896. It also created a valuable quantitative tool to study the evolution of any technology, from typewriters to televisions.Gjesfjeld earned a doctorate in archaeology studying the development of ancient Siberian pottery. As arc haeologists, we were aware that a lot of technologies go extinct over time, and we dont landsee that technology anymore, he said.The evolution of diversity in car manufacturing. leumund Erik GjesfjeldThanks to carmakers habit of giving models unique names and dates (a 1965 Mustang, a 2005 Prius), Gjesfjeld and his postdoctoral advisor, UCLA evolutionary biologist Michael Alfaro, had a ready trove of data on the birth and death of car models.Using a statistical method called Bayesian modeling, they examined 3,500 models produced from 1896 to 2014 to determine which of three factors determined innovation the most economic growth, changing oil prices, or the diversity of car models already on the market.They found that since the 1980s, fewer new American car models have been introduced each year, and fewer have been discontinued. And to their surprise, they found that more have gone extinct than have been introduced. We may be driving more cars, but were driving more of the same cars, Gjesfeld said.The results square with theories of technological evolution that predict that as technologies become ever more specialized, it gets more expensive to make radical innovations, and diversity decreases, the researchers reported recently in the open-access journal Palgrave Communications.The researchers model predicts the ongoing explosion of electric car models, but it also predicts that competition in the marketplace will ultimately kill off many of them. The results suggest that later in the life of an industry, its really hard to make new things, Gjesfjeld said.Read the most recent issue of Mechanical Engineering.As archaeologists, we were aware that a lot of technologies go extinct over time, and we dont see that technology anymore.Dr. Erik Gjesfjeld, University of California

Friday, November 22, 2019

10 phrases we should always say no matter how crazy our lives become

10 phrases we should always say no matter how crazy ur lives become10 phrases we should always say no matter how crazy our lives becomeIf theres one restaurant I associate with togetherness, its Pizza Hut.As a kid, Pizza Hut was THE place for birthday parties and school fundraisers. During sleepovers, parents would dial up a Pizza Hut delivery, and wed crowd around laughing, joking and devouring slice after slice.When a steaming pie landed on the table, life slowed down. At least, it used to.Now Pizza Hut plans, for the first time, to offer pizza by the slice. Why? Because we, the uber-connected, multitasking, hopelessly overloaded people of Planet Earth, are too busy to sit in a booth and talk to one another. We must, MUST eat on the go.Looking for an inspiring way to start your day? Sign up forMorning MotivationIts our friendly Facebook robot that will send you a quick note every weekday morning to help you start strong. Sign up here by clicking Get StartedSadly, we cant slow down our world,even though eatingaloneat our desks makes us less creative.Nevertheless, below are 10 phrases we should always find ourselves saying - no matter how crazy life becomes.1. Lets get together for lunch.Sometimes, lunch with friends, colleagues or business associates is a breath of air in an otherwise manic workday. Who wants to sit at a desk for 8, 9 or 10 straight hours?Thats a sure way to lose an appetite.2. Thats fine. It can wait. (also will accept No rush)Just because wecanhave it now doesnt mean weneedit now.Yes, the Internet keeps us moving at lightning speed, but theres nothing wrong with a rest stop along the information superhighway.3. I thought Id call you to catch up. Its been too long.Why spend 20 minutes on the phone with an old friend when we can just Gchat a few quick lines? Because instant messages and texts (even hilarious auto-corrects) arent the same as an actual conversation, and you and I both know that.4. Im going to write a thank-you notewith pen and paper.Yes, handwritten notes are tedious, require actual postage and hurt your wrist. But think about it this way fewer and fewer peopleactuallydo thank-you notes today, which makes the onesyouwrite 10x more valuable than they once were.5. You have my undivided attention.It takes all the focus we can muster to look up from our cell phone, tablet, laptop, TV, iPod, Kindle, PS4, XBOX and Smartwatch to make eye contact and hear someone 100%.And when it comes to Google Glass, forget about it. The technology is everywhere wetryto lookWere up against a lot, but its worth the struggle.6. Sure, I can help you with that.The more you give, the more you get. And theres nothing wrong with beingbusyhelping others. Thats still allowed.7. Board game nightA few rounds of Scattergories, Cards Against Humanity (involving these 21 awkward cards), Jenga and plenty of beer with your best pals.Who needs technology on a night like that?8. I think Im just gonna go read for a bit.The outside world is noisy. The inside of a book is not.9. Its too late at night to be dealing with these work emails.I control my phone. It does not control me.I control my phone. It does not control me.Ishould probably answer thisterrifying email subject lineas I doze off at 1115 pm.A slave to wireless communication once again10.Heywanna grab some pizza?Pizza Hut be damned. Take your individual slice of pepperoni and plop down in a booth with the people who matter. Your inbox can wait 30 minutes.Modern technology is a beautiful thing, but so is a table, three friends and nothing buttime on our hands.This post was originally published onDannyRubin.com.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

This strategy makes procrastination impossible

This strategy makes procrastination impossibleThis strategy makes procrastination impossibleHow often have you started a new habit that you already quit after several days? If youre like me in the past, the answer is something like, all the time.Forming a new habit is hard. I dont have to tell you that. We all know how difficult it is to live a prosperous and healthy life. If it were easy, everybody would do it.We also know that our chance of succeeding is much higher if we start small, right? Its common sense. Dont take on too much in the beginning - youll have mora reasons to give up. So goes the advice, which is solid. Im not going to argue with that.But far too few people actually start small. In fact, I see more people starting big than starting small.Why is that? I think we can get too excited about making a change or doing new things. When we dream about making a change in our lives and start believing in it, the excitement usually takes over.Thats why we end up doing too muc h too soon.But how can I prevent myself from getting too excited?To be clear, I dont think excitement is bad. You need energy to make a change. And its great to be fired up about achieving something in your life. Always remind yourself that you want to stay fired up. Because when things get hard, we can lose that fire.So when you start forming a habit (writing, working out, reading, eating healthy) or learning a new skill, remember that it should not feel like a challenge. The activity should be easy. If thats not the case, we all procrastinate - even the most self-disciplined people do that.When you start something new, its not about your results. When I started writing every day, I couldnt care less about how many words I wrote. Or when I started getting daily exercise, I didnt care what type of exercise. I just wanted to make sure I did it.Wrote for 4 minutes? Great - you did it.Went for a 20-minute walk? Great - you did it.Read a book for 2 minutes? Great - you did it.James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, which is about changing your life by forming small habits, writes about this idea in his new book. I like how he removes all barriers for starting a habit. He writesA new habit should not feel like a challenge. The actions that follow can be challenging, but the first two minutes should be easy. What you want is a gateway habit that naturally leads you down a more productive path.Remember, the action itself is not easy. But as James says, the first two minutes should be easy. And what youll find is that you can scale down nearly any habit or activity into a two-minute version.Want to read every day? Read one page.Want to meditate every day? Sit in a meditation position.Want to study for an exam? Open your book.I like this strategy because it nearly makes it impossible to procrastinate. When I look back at all the times Ive procrastinated, it was always related to getting overwhelmed. When you havent even started something, the end result seems a m illion miles away.Thats how you end up saying, screw this. So instead of focusing on the BIG outcome, focus on the SMALL start. Look at what you want to achieve in your life. Then, look at what habits will make that happen.For example, want to be a CEO? Most leaders are readers. So you might want to start a daily reading habit. Then, scale down the habits you need to succeed into a two-minute activity.And then what?The goal is not only to get started - its to keep going. Nobody wants to read one page a day for the rest of their lives. To me, this strategy is all about getting used to doing something every day.Look, changing your lifestyle is not an easy thing. Lets say youve been living in a certain way for 30 years. What do you expect? That you change overnight? You and I both know that it takes time. So we should change our perspective accordingly.Your first priority should always be to form the habit - something you do regularly. And remember Habits are not about results.No one cares about how many pages youve read, how hard youve worked out, or how long you havent smoked a cigarette. You should only care about what you did today - and dont focus on metrics.Life is a competition with yourself - not others. And if you want to win, you must make it easy for yourself.Thisarticlefirst appeared onDariusForoux.com.